We are looking for individuals to join as County Team Associates!
Join the West Virginia Roots Team as a County Team Associate to help bring free genealogy resources to the internet! There are many opportunities for you to help West Virginia Roots grow and we are always excited to have new volunteers.
Rather than focus on having a single person handle a single county, we are organizing our counties using teams of volunteers. Some may find the data for entry, some may type the information and others may actually do the data entry. Help is easily available to you at each of these levels of volunteering, making the projects fun and easy.
Our goal is to make genealogical and historical data available on the internet, and we have been succeeding for ten years now!
West Virginia Roots is a part of PA-Roots, a non-profit organization composed of a group of volunteers who coordinate or assist in providing genealogical and historical information for each county in West Virginia. Our volunteers are people just like you … individuals who have a desire to learn more about their ancestors, where they lived, and what their lives may have been like.
If you enjoy the research, let us know at which level you would like to participate and we’ll help you get started today.
How can you participate?
A core value of West Virginia Roots volunteers is the desire to share valuable genealogical and historical information with others. Participation comes at many different levels of involvement.
Digitizers – Digitizers transcribe and submit information and data that can be published on the DataBoards or on one of the county websites. For more information on being a Digitizer you’ll need to contact Carol.
Lookup Volunteer – Lookup volunteers offer to do lookups in genealogical and historical material that they own or have access to. If you have access to cemetery records, county histories, church records, or any other genealogically or historical useful resources, then contact us and we’ll add you to our Lookup Volunteer
County Team Associates
County Team Associates – The county team associates are key to getting genealogical and historical data on-line. Please read the County Team Associates information below.
County Team Associates manage and maintain the county web sites. The only prerequisites are having a sincere interest in the genealogy and history of the county(ies) they participate in. The following are just some roles that a County Team Associate might be involved with:
Building a cemetery list for one or more counties
Providing look-up resources
Locating data that can be transcribed and placed on-line
Transcribing data for either short or long-term projects
Developing one or more county specific pages
A County Team Associate doesn’t need to know anything about HTML and building websites. West Virginia Roots provides all the software tools necessary to build the website. If you can type you can build a county website!
It’s important to note that data that is contributed on one of the West Virginia Roots hosted websites is being contributed to West Virginia Roots and not to the individual County Team Associates and it remains the property of the contributor.
If you’re interested, please contact our State Cooridinator.